The chamber of labour or Arbeiterkammer (AK) is the statutory representative organization for the interests of employees within the Austrian social partnership. All employees are members, and the AK offers them a full range of services: advice on employment and social rights, help with income tax adjustments, consumer protection and more. The AK also represents the interests of all employees to the government and in the legislative process. It is separate from the trade unions, which have voluntary membership and different representative roles.
Within the Arbeiterkammer, elections take place every 5 years. The AK for Styria is holding its elections from 16 to 29 April 2024. Vote for AUGE/UG – we are the alternative, green and independent labour movement in Styria!
You can find all the important information about us and our focus areas below:
If you prefer to view the folder directly: Click here.
Unlike the other groups in the AK, we are not attached to any political party – but we absolutely are political: we strongly support employees’ rights, codetermination and democracy in the workplace.
We are a unique voice in the AK – a diverse group of alternative, independent, left and green activists. AUGE/UG represents you in works councils (the Betriebsrat) and the Arbeiterkammer – and also has groups in the trade unions.
⇒ Fair reduction of working time: 30-hour week and 6-hour working days
⇒ Increase codetermination in the economy, in the workplace and in employment policy.
⇒ Redistribution: tax wealth, capital and value creation; combat poverty
⇒ Invest in climate protection: because a good life needs an intact environment
⇒ Equality sooner, not later: for a determined implementation of equality policy
⇒ Good work instead of precarious employment
⇒ Equal responsibilities, equal (employment) rights, independent of where you come from or nationality
⇒ Equal opportunities in the education system
⇒ Fair and ecological economics instead of destructive neoliberal competition
We’re serious about it.
Austria is diverse! Wherever we come from: it’s all of us together that make this country, this region and our workplaces the way they are.
End inequality! Finally, real equality of sexes/genders! In the workplace, in reproductive work, in care and childcare. We push back against inequality in work by demanding equal pay policy, and pensions that are adequate to live on.
End the gender pay gap! AUGE/UG demands full pay transparency and the right to equal pay for equal work.
End the gender pension gap! When people work part time because of care responsibilities, their pensions should be calculated in the same way as for full-time work.
We need mandatory incomes reporting, effective sanctions and an overall levelling up of the value of social, care, healthcare and teaching professions.
Together we are strong. Together, workers fought for the welfare state and workers’ rights – and won them. If we let ourselves be divided, we lose what gives us quality of life and security.
Let’s not give in to a mood of division that threatens to split our society. Populism poisons the public discourse – it doesn’t solve problems!
Instead of fighting for the rich against the poor, we stand together against fears and prejudice.
And so: let’s stick together, for democracy and solidarity!
Let’s stand up together for fair access to rights and opportunities:
Social security for disadvantaged groups: women, single parents, low-income families, people with disabilities, and others!
Discrimination against people with migrant backgrounds in employment and the workplace must end!
Asylum policy that respects human dignity – integrate asylum seekers into the labour market!
Fight unemployment, not the unemployed – improve social security!
Healthcare is a fundamental right – keep it affordable!
It is high time for a fair reduction in working time!
Technological advances have increased productivity – instead of producing more, we could reduce working hours.
Technology is bringing us more options for flexible working – that must be used for the good of the employees.
We need to be able to organize our life-time in a liveable way!
It’s time for a real work-life balance.
Combining work and family, or work and quality of life, have to become real instead of just phrases!
Things we need:
Reduction of working hours towards a 30-hour week with a corresponding increase in numbers of people employed, and full pay for workers on low and middle incomes
Enough places in good quality, all-day child care and kindergartens, everywhere
Predictable working hours and rejection of excessive overtime, including a rejection of the 12-hour day and the 60-hour week
Flexible working times that suit our individual needs
The right to breaks from work for purposes such as continuing education, professional reorientation or burnout prevention
Environmentalism, social justice and democracy belong together – we can’t have one without the others! This is what we fight for. We won’t back down! On these big issues it is time to get real, face the facts and pursue solutions for everyone – and not to get bogged down in particular interests.
As AUGE/UG we demand bolder politics. We need:
efficient and legally binding supply-chain laws
a well-financed Climate Act with strong implementation steps and sanctions for non-compliance
more environmentally friendly transport and a guarantee of climate-friendly work mobility
social balancing of all climate measures
a wealth tax on large private fortunes to finance climate action
Translation: Ben Hemmens
Alternative, Grüne und Unabhängige Gewerkschafter*innen Steiermark